Kabul Art Project

by / Sunday, 30 August 2015 / Published in News Blog

KABUL ART PROJECT – Contemporary Art from Afghanistan has been set up by founder Christina Hallmann to support and promote talented Afghan artists since January 2013. The project has become the most active platform to connect Afghan Contemporary Artists to foreign media, exhibitors and private art collectors, or simply lovers of art.

The project has exhibited original paintings and drawings by 27 artists from Afghanistan in Germany with more exhibitions lined up in the future. The project promotes their artwork on a daily basis through social media and their website.

They engage in P.R and networking with foreign media and exhibitors, who then reach out to the artists through the project. Via the website and facebook they manage art sales from Afghanistan to Canada, the United States, Europe and inside Afghanistan.

Now that they have built a solid community of art loving followers, the project are excited about reaching a larger audience.



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